

BipolarRegarding Bipolar

Yasin is a friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic person. He is well-liked and gets along with everyone he meets. Everyone we speak to says he is a good friend, always willing to help, loyal and supportive.

He has always been hard-working from a young age, ambitious and passionate about his interests. He achieved great success in his career from the start. He is a very independent, resourceful, hard-working and a productive member of society.

Bipolar Awareness

Yasin contributed to the efforts to raise public awareness on bipolar disorder through numerous interviews in which he spoke out about his personal experiences and struggles with bipolar. Many have reached out to say how his openness about mental health made an impact on them and made them feel less isolated.

Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy and ability to function. It consists of mania and depression on two opposite sides of the spectrum (two poles-bipolar). The cycles of bipolar disorder can last for days, weeks or months. Unlike ordinary mood swings, bipolar disorder is much more intense and disruptive to everyday functioning affecting energy, judgment and behavior.


Yasin describes his experience with bipolar disorder with Zayan radio channel in 2019

He describes feeling very down after his first manic episode and dwelling on his circumstances but over time accepted it as something he must overcome.

Yasin was first admitted to the psychiatric ward at HUKM for two weeks in 2009. Four years later he was once again warded this time at UM Hospital for 4 days. In 2018, he became manic again but recovered by himself at home.



In manic episodes, the person will experience these symptoms:

· has extremely high energy

· talks very fast

· racing thoughts

· lots of ideas and activities

· overconfidence in abilities

· engages in risky behaviors

· makes poor decisions

· easily distracted

· decreased need for sleep

· restless

· irritable

In severe mania the person may become delusional (believing in things that are not true). In extreme cases they may hallucinate (seeing or hearing things that do not exist) or experience psychosis which means they are unable to differentiate reality from imagination.

https://youtu.be/AKI6caTIz7k -insert the one w subs later

Interview with TV3 after his first bipolar disorder episode in 2009

Yasin describes how he was stressed and only sleeping 3 hours a night. He was constantly on facebook determined to change the world until he saw light. He did not remember writing what he wrote during that time.


Volume up

Yasin's older brother Zain's interview with Melodi TV3 April 2022 (unaired segment).

Zain describes witnessing Yasin's first manic episode in 2009.

Yasin had to be admitted to the psychiatric ward in HUKM. He was very manic and was saying things that didn't make sense. Afterwards he did not remember what happened. Zain cried when he saw Yasin's condition at the time.


Zain describes Yasin telling him about experiencing psychosis since the end of last year.

Yasin said to describe psychosis it is like he is in madness. 'I might look okay on the outside but inside I am struggling. I am struggling with psychosis. And I'm just trying to get better.'

His psychiatrist provided him with additional medication but the psychosis persisted.


The other end of the spectrum is depression which includes:

· feeling sad or hopeless for long periods of time

· feeling fatigue or lack of energy

· problems with memory and concentration

· losing interest in things they are usually interested in

· withdrawing from social life

· decreased ability to function normally

· thinking about or attempting suicide


Interview with Astro Gempak 2021

Yasin describes his manic episodes and the following depression. He describes being very productive in his manic episodes and working on songs and productions. However after not sleeping for two weeks he would crash and become depressed.

From this period I remember him updating his facebook every few minutes about prayer times (like a countdown). I also remember sending him a message over messenger and his responses were gibberish like “gjsgkfsvcdj”. My parents and my older brother headed over to his house to get him help.


The causes of bipolar disorder are not known definitively but some factors that may contribute to its occurrence are genetic factors, brain structure, societal factors like stress, environmental triggers like lack of sleep and the diathesis-stress model. According to the diathesis-stress model, the emergence of a psychological disorder requires first the existence of a diathesis, or an innate predisposition to that disorder in an individual; and second, a stress, or a set of challenging life circumstances which then trigger the development of the disorder.


The treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of medication, talk therapy, lifestyle changes and alternative treatments. The psychiatrist will monitor symptoms and adjust medication as necessary. The purpose of medication is to stabilize the patient and manage the symptoms of mania and depression.

Talk therapy and lifestyle changes on the other hand address environmental triggers such as stress and lack of sleep.

With medication, side effects have to be managed and perhaps a change in medication is advised. One side effect I have heard Yasin say he experienced is hand tremors. Every patient is different and the medication has to be adjusted to suit each patient’s needs.

When treated, people with bipolar disorder can lead full and productive lives.







Coming Soon

YasinSulaiman.com is under heavy construction and we are working around the clock to launch it officially by 22nd June 2022. In the mean time, please bear with us and check out our social media